Bruno Figueiredo
Is Design ready for a rebrand?
26th September 2025
As Design surpasses the peak of commodity and becomes a service for all in the age of political instability, AI revolution, and the growth of new realities, it's important to step back and understand the role of design in today's society, leaning in the fact that not many people can define what Design is or does for the world. So, maybe we need to have a very sincere conversation about what design is, and maybe re-frame how we present our industry in an ever changing world.
About Bruno
At his core Bruno is an ADHD fueled idea builder, but if you ever chat with him for more than 5 seconds, you can probably tell he "wears a few too many hats" for his own sake. Currently working as an "everything designer" and leader. Building products, brands and communities, focused on making design accessible to everyone.